
Vetus 65KGF Bow Pro Boost 185mm Tunnel

Vetus 65KGF Bow Pro Boost 185mm Tunnel

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At the top of this advanced range of thrusters, VETUS offers the BOW PRO Boosted series (BOWB), innovative and significantly different from existing thrusters. All the features of the amazing BOW PRO with a bonus! There is a third connection on the motor, leading current to an internal charger which steps up the voltage from 12 to 24 volt, allowing a 12-volt charging source such as the propulsion engine alternator, to charge a 24-volt battery bank. Connecting the BOW PRO Boosted directly to a 24-volt power supply is also possible of course. The built-in charger recharges your battery bank when the thruster is not in use, doubling the value of having the BOW PRO Boosted thruster on your boat.
BOW PRO thrusters use proven induction motors without carbon brushes. As a result, the bow thruster motor is maintenance-free and has Endurance Rated* run-time! Only the tailpiece anode and the power circuits need regular maintenance. The induction motor is controlled by the VETUS MCV motor controller which can handle both 12 V and 24 V on board systems, making the new BOW PRO thruster suitable for almost all boats. The built-in over-temp and low battery voltage protection combined with the brushless induction motor make the BOW PRO thruster series highly resistant to abuse and ideal for beginning boaters and experienced captains!

The BOW PRO thruster is controlled by a proprietary CANBUS protocol (digital control) network. There are two fully proportional panels available for the BOW PRO thruster series; one standard panel (BPPPA) and one panel with lock-and-hold capability for easy docking (BPPJA). BOW PRO thrusters utilize the same propellers and gearboxes proven in VETUS thrusters for over 30 years. Upgrading a boat with an existing thruster to a BOW PRO thruster is easily achieved as the BOW PRO thruster was made to share tunnel sizes with current VETUS thrusters as well as many other brands. The overview photo shows which type and size boats are currently compatible with the BOW PRO series.

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Vetus 65KGF Bow Pro Boost 185mm Tunnel
Thruster, Aluminium Tunnel 1m, Joystick Control
Vetus 65KGF Bow Pro Boost 185mm Tunnel
Thruster, GRP Tunnel 1m, Joystick Control

Proportional: Yes

Thrust: 65N/KGF

Power: 3.1KW

Internal Tunnel Diameter: 185MM

Weight: 37KG

Voltage: 12V/24V

Current Consumption: 130A

Continuous Operating Time: 10 MIN

Ignition Protected: No

Retractable: No

Extended Runtime: No